
Left Tri-malleolar Ankle Fractures with Surgical Placement of Plates and Screws.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
00, accident, accidental, accidentally, accidents, ankle, ankles, arthrosis, bone, bones, break, breaks, broken, dislocate, dislocated, dislocation, exh5934, extremities, extremity, feet, fibula, fibular, foot, fracture, fractured, fractures, hardware, injuries, injury, joint, joints, k, k-wire, k-wires, lateral, lateralis, lower, malleolar, malleoli, malleollus, malleolus, medial, medialis, operation, operations, operative, orthopaedics, orthopedics, personal, placement, plate, plates, procedure, procedures, screw, screws, surgeries, surgery, surgical, talar, talus, tri, tri-malleolar, trimalleolar, us, wire, wires, 2, 3600, 5934