
This custom medical exhibit features four comparative views of the abdomen with a gastrostomy (feeding) tube over time. Each view of the abdomen is accompanied by a small inset detailing the tip of the gastrostomy tube. ..Progression shown is: 1. Normal condition, 2. Condition with tube pulled out, 3. Condition with improperly replaced tube spreading initial infection, 4. Subsequent condition with widespread infection.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
abdomen, abdominal, archive, bowel, bowels, colic, colon, colonic, exh5136, gastr, gastric, gastro, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal, gastrostomy, gi, hepat, hepatic, hepato, improper, 98, 5136, infected, infection, infections, infectious, intestinal, intestine, intestines, intubate, intubated, intubation, intubations, large, liver, placement, small, stomach, stomachs, tract, tube, tubes, widespread