
This multi-image medical exhibit shows the development and progression of an invasive cancerous tumor of the cecum of the large bowel. .Specifically shown are the following: 1. Normal cecum and layers of the bowel as describe in the Duke's tumor classification, 2. Progressive cut-sections through the bowel wall illustrating the tumor's growth from the mucosa, to the submucosa and finally through to the muscular and outer layers of the colon.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
abdomen, abdominal, bowel, bowels, cancer, cancerous, cancers, carcinoma, cases, cecal, cecum, classification, colic, colon, colonic, colorectal, cut-sections, describe, development, digest, digested, digestion, digestive, displasia, dukes, dysplasia, exh5347, finally, following, gastroenterology, gi, growth, ileocecal, illustrating, intestinal, intestine, intestines, invasive, large, layers, malignancy, malignant, mass, medical, metastasis, metastasizing, metastastic, metastatic, mucosa, mucosal, multi-image, muscle, muscles, muscular, musculare, muscularis, oncology, outer, pathological, pathologies, pathology, progressive, shown, shows, specifically, spread, spreading, submucosa, tract, tumor, tumorous, tumors, wall, 1, 2, 3, 99, 5347