
This medical exhibit depicts two (2) enlarged cut-away sections of the skin depicting septic surgical wound management for post-operative skin infections. The first illustration illustrates a septic wound beginning in the fatty subcutaneous space between the skin and fascia, draining through a skin incision. It includes labels for sutures, skin, fat, fat fascia, muscle, peritoneum and the abdominal cavity. The second illustration pictures the usual management of the septic wound including removing the sutures superficial to the fascia, then opening the skin and fat, permitting drainage of the infected wound.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
4588c, abcess, abscess, abscessed, abscesses, complications, content, dehiscence, dermatology, exh4588c, infected, infection, infections, infectious, integument, integumentary, operation, operations, operative, pathological, pathologies, pathology, post-operative, procedure, procedures, sepsis, septic, skin, surgeries, surgery, surgical, sutures, ulcer, ulcerated, ulceration, ulcerations, ulcers, wound