
This surgical exhibit reveals illustrations showing decreased Circulation to the Right Arm and Hand followed by operative views of a brachial Artery Repair and Fasciotomy procedure.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
5164b, arm, arms, arterial, arteries, artery, arthrosis, blood, brachial, brachium, cases, circulate, circulation, circulatory, content, decreased, exh5164b, extremities, extremity, fascia, fasciae, fascial, fascias, fasciotomies, fasciotomy, hand, hands, joint, joints, limbs, manus, operation, operations, operative, orthopaedics, orthopedics, procedure, procedures, repair, surgeries, surgery, surgical, upper, vascular, vasculature, vessel, vessels, wrist, wrists, 2, 99, 5164