
This medical exhibit reveals a cut-away view of the pregnant mother's abdomen during childbirth labor and delivery showing the fetus in utero in left occiput anterior presentation (LOA) at +2 station.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
+2, anterior, birth, birthing, births, born, childbirth, deliveries, delivery, fetal, fetus, front, frontal, gyn, gynecological, gynecology, labor, loa, ob, ob-gyn, ob/gyn, obstetric, obstetrical, obstetrics, occiput, pelves, pelvic, pelvis, pelvus, placenta, pregnancies, pregnancy, pregnant, presentation, pubic, station, stations, symphysis, uteral, uteri, uterine, utero, uterus, ventral, womb, wombs