
Testicle Removal Surgery - Traumatic Scrotal Injury with Left Orchiectomy Procedure. This full color stock medical exhibit illustrates the traumatic injury to the left scrotum with surgical removal of the left testicle. The exhibit begins by showing the traumatic scrotal swelling, followed by the exposure of the left testicle, suture ligation of the spermatic cord and removal of the testicle.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
8oct01, cord, cords, epididymis, gonadal, injuries, injury, operation, operations, operative, orch, orchiectomy, oriectomy, procedure, procedures, removal, removed, scrotal, scrotum, spermatic, surgeries, surgery, surgical, swelling, swollen, testes, testicle, testicles, testicular, testis, traumatic