
Spine Surgery: L4-5 and L5-S1 Anterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion Procedure. This medical exhibit displays a bi-level lumbar disc injury with herniation of the L4-5 and L5-S1 intervertebral discs and impingement on the cauda equina of the spinal cord. Surgical steps include the incision into the lower left quadrant of the abdomen, the discectomy (diskectomy) at L5-S1, and the placement of two BAK cages at both levels for final fusion.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
00, anterior, arthrodesis, back, backbone, backs, bone, bones, bulge, bulged, bulges, bulging, cage, cages, column, columns, disc, discectomies, discectomy, discetomies, discetomy, discs, disectomy, disk, diskectomies, diskectomy, disketomy, disks, dissectomy, double, drill, drilled, drilling, drills, encision, exh6031, extrude, extruding, extrusion, front, frontal, fusion, graft, grafts, herniated, herniation, herniations, incision, incisions, intervertebral, l, l-4, l-5, l-6, l4, l4-5, l4-l5, l5, l5-s1, l6, level, low, lower, lumbar, operation, operations, operative, procedure, procedures, protrude, protruding, protrusion, protrusions, ruptured, ruptures, s, s-1, s1, s1-2, s1-s2, spinal, spine, spines, spinous, surgeries, surgery, surgical, us, ventral, vertebra, vertebrae, vertebral, 1, 4, 5, 3600, 6031