
Ovaries - Laparoscopic Oophorectomy with Iatrognic (Physician-related) Transection Injury of the Right Ureter.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
5529a, abdomen, abdominal, archive, complications, content, egg, eggs, exh5529a, female, females, gyn, gynecological, gynecology, iatrogenic, injuries, injury, kidney, kidneys, laparascope, laparascopic, laparascopy, laparoscope, laparoscopic, laparoscopy, laporoscopy, lapraroscopic, laprascope, laprascopic, laprascopy, laproscope, laproscopic, laproscopy, malpractice, medical, nephrology, ob, ob-gyn, ob/gyn, obstetric, obstetrical, obstetrics, oophorectomy, operation, operations, operative, organ, organs, ovarian, ovaries, ovary, post-operative, procedure, procedures, renal, reproduction, reproductive, results, surgeries, surgery, surgical, transect, transected, transection, transections, ureter, ureteral, ureteric, ureters, urology/nephrology, uteral, uteri, uterine, uterus, womb, wombs, 3