
This medical exhibit pictures the primary symptoms associated with a heart attack. It depicts an anterior (front) view of a female figure from the head to the mid thighs. The image is color coded and labeled to identify the following symptomology: sweating, shortness of breath, nausea; pain in the chest, upper abdomen, back, neck and left shoulder and arm and pain infrequently reported in right shoulder and arm.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
angina, arm, arms, attack, brachial, brachium, cardiac, cardial, cardio, cardiology, chest, coronary, extremities, extremity, female, females, girl, girls, heart, hearts, infarction, limbs, myocardial, myocardium, nausea, pain, pectoris, pulmonology, radiating, sweating, symptom, symptoms, upper, woman, women