
Depicts an iatrogenic (physician-related) injury to the left iliac artery during lumbar spine surgery at L5-S1. Shows how the surgeon clipped the left iliac artery with the pituitary rongeur device as he removed the herniated disc material. Displays the lumbar spine revealing how the rongeur pierced the anterior longitudinal ligament and tore the iliac artery.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
4518a, abdomen, abdominal, accident, accidental, accidentally, accidents, anatomical, anatomically, anterior, aorta, aortic, arterial, arteries, artery, back, backbone, backs, blood, bone, bones, case, column, columns, complications, content, damage, degenerative, device, disc, discectomies, discectomy, discetomies, discetomy, discs, disease, diseases, disectomy, disk, diskectomies, diskectomy, disks, dissectomy, exh4518a, front, frontal, great, hematology, hemology, iatrogenic, iliac, illness, injuries, injury, intervertebral, intra-operative, l, l-5, l5, l5-s1, ligament, ligaments, longitudinal, low, lower, lumbar, malpractice, medical, operation, operations, operative, orthopaedics, orthopedics, pituitary, procedure, procedures, region, relationships, rongeur, rongeurs, s, s-1, s1, s1-2, s1-s2, sickness, spinal, spine, spines, spinous, surgeries, surgery, surgical, tear, tearing, tears, torn, vascular, vasculature, ventral, vertebra, vertebrae, vertebral, vessel, vessels, 1, 5, 97