
The Mechanism of Pulmonary Embolism (Blood Clots).
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
all, anterior, arterial, arteries, artery, away, back, backbone, blocks, blood, bloodclot, bloodclots, bloodflow, bloodstream, bone, breaks, cardiac, cardial, cardio, cardiology, cava, cavae, clot, clots, column, complete, coronary, cut, cut-away, cut-sections, descriptions, emboli, embolus, enlarged, exchange, extremities, extremity, flow, formations, forms, front, frontal, gets, heart, hearts, inferior, into, ivc, joins, l, l-3, l-4, l-5, l3, l4, l5, lodged, loose, low, lower, lumbar, lung, lungs, medical, myocardial, myocardium, o2, operation, operations, operative, oxygen, periods, portion, post-operative, procedure, procedures, pulmonary, remain, spinal, spine, spines, spinous, starts, steps, surgeries, surgery, surgical, thrombus, thromosis, travels, vascular, vasculature, vein, veinous, veins, vena, venous, venously, ventral, vertebra, vertebrae, vertebral, vessel, vessels, 3, 4, 5