
Bimalleolar Fractured Ankle and Subsequent Fixation Surgery with Plates and Screws.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
00, accident, accidental, accidentally, accidents, ankle, ankles, arthrosis, bi-malleolar, bimalleolar, bone, bones, break, breaks, broken, exh, exh5827, extremities, extremity, feet, fibula, fibular, film, films, fixate, fixated, fixates, fixation, fixator, fluoroscopy, foot, fracture, fractured, fractures, hereweare, injuries, injury, joint, joints, lateral, lateralis, leg, legs, lower, malleolar, malleoli, malleolus, medial, medialis, operation, operations, operative, orthopaedics, orthopedics, personal, plate, plates, procedure, procedures, radiograph, radiographs, radiological, radiology, screw, screws, surgeries, surgery, surgical, talar, talus, tibia, tibial, us, x-ray, x-rays, xray, xrays, 2, 3600, 5827