
This custom medical exhibit features an initial anterior image of the right shoulder anatomy revealing multiple injuries such as bursitis, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injury and chondromalacia. Additionally, three surgical images show the placement of arthroscopic instruments into the shoulder joint, debridement of the bursa and humeral cartilage tissues, and finally the removal of the inferior acromion to further decompress the joint impingement.
© 2012 Nucleus Medical Art/Doctor Stock
4apr02, a-c, ac, acromio-clavicle, acromio-clavicular, acromioclavicle, acromioclavicular, acromion, acromionectomy, acromioplasty, all, anterior, arthroscope, arthroscopes, arthroscopic, arthroscopy, arthrosis, back, backbone, backs, bone, bones, bursa, bursae, bursitis, caput, cartilage, cartilages, chondromalacia, clavicle, clavicles, clavicular, collar, column, columns, complete, coracoacromial, coroco-acromial, cuff, cuffs, damaged, debride, debrided, debridement, debrides, debriding, descriptions, device, devices, enlarged, fibrillation, first, front, frontal, glenoid, group, groups, head, heads, humeral, hypertrophic, impinged, impingement, infraspinatus, injuries, injury, inserted, instrument, instruments, into, joint, joints, l, l-3, l-4, l-5, l3, l4, l5, labrum, ligament, ligaments, low, lower, lumbar, major, medical, minor, multiple, muscle, muscles, muscular, musculare, muscularis, operation, operations, operative, pain, partial, performed, periods, pre-operative, procedure, procedures, processes, regular, remain, removed, repair, resect, resected, resecting, resection, rotator, shoulder, shoulders, sit, soft, spinal, spine, spines, spinous, spurs, steps, subacromial, subtitle, supraspinatus, surgeries, surgery, surgical, syndrome, tendon, tendons, teres, tissue, tissues, tool, tools, ventral, vertebra, vertebrae, vertebral, 3, 4, 5